As a graduate of three different schools, and now as a committee member, I have had some connection to the Schools of Banking my entire banking career. I transitioned to banking without any formal finance/business education. Looking back, I realize what a positive impact the Schools staff, faculty, and curriculum has had on my developmen
As a graduate of three different schools, and now as a committee member, I have had some connection to the Schools of Banking my entire banking career. I transitioned to banking without any formal finance/business education. Looking back, I realize what a positive impact the Schools staff, faculty, and curriculum has had on my development as a banker. Now, because of my committee involvement, I understand the positive impact on students isn’t an accident. The staff and faculty of the Schools of Banking work diligently to exceed the expectations of nominating officers and provide a superior student experience.
Zac Hoppes
Senior Vice President
Farmers State Bank
McPherson, Kansas
Lending Advisory Committee (LAC) 2018-19 Chair
The instructors, administrators and staff at the Schools of Banking provide an experience second to none. Relevant material is presented in an effectively structured program, allowing students to enhance understanding through discussion, real-world case studies, and projects aimed at applying taught material directly to YOUR bank.
The instructors, administrators and staff at the Schools of Banking provide an experience second to none. Relevant material is presented in an effectively structured program, allowing students to enhance understanding through discussion, real-world case studies, and projects aimed at applying taught material directly to YOUR bank.
Knowledgeable faculty is not only available to guide you through the program, but also there to help you as situations arise post-graduation. The opportunity to build relationships with such a large array of current and future industry leaders is invaluable.
Matthew Brase
AVP - Financial Operations Officer
Cornhusker Bank
Lincoln, Nebraska
EMAIL | PHONE 402-474-1555 | FAX 402-474-2148 | MAILING ADDRESS PO Box 80008, Lincoln, NE 68501-000